Please contact our office to learn more about consultation and training for your organization, both of which are available onsite and as virtual services. Due to Carol's upcoming retirement, these services will be provided by Kathryn Koehne, Carol's long-time associate. Additionally, the AAACN has released their new online course, "Telephone Triage as Professional Nursing Practice", which is based on the tenets of Carol's teaching. Additionally, our book "The Art & Science of Telephone Triage: How to Practice Nursing Over the Phone" is still available as an important adjunct to any training.
Featured Product
Based on current practice, nursing theory, research and experience, Carol & Liz present a balanced, common-sense, reality-based approach to the practice of telephone triage nursing. This book is a must-read for everyone working in the fields of ambulatory care and telehealth nursing, from manager to educator or front-line nurse. Physicians, administrators and others involved in the provision of care over the telephone will also find this an invaluable resource in understanding the practice of telephone triage nursing. This book has been endorsed by the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN).
About Us
Telephone Triage Consulting, Inc.
Telephone Triage Consulting, Inc. (TTC), owned and operated by Carol Rutenberg, MNSc, RN, AMB-BC, C-TNP, in association with Kathryn Koehne, DNP, RN, AMB-BC, C-TNP, provides telephone triage training and consultative services to doctor’s offices, clinics, call centers, military facilities, home health agencies, college health units, emergency departments, urgent care centers and other practice settings interested in developing or improving their Telephone Triage services.

Telephone Triage is here to stay. As long as our patients have telephones and we continue to answer them, we’ll be doing Telephone Triage. We can do it wrong, but we can’t NOT do it. Carol’s informative continuing educational offerings and on-site consultation will help you identify the “How To’s” of providing legally sound, low-risk Telephone Triage services to your patients.
Our Services
The provision of nursing care over the telephone (and patient portal) has become a routine part of the day of an ambulatory care nurse. However, many, if not most, RNs have never had formal training in this high-risk practice. Presented by Kathryn Koehne, continuing education offerings (live or virtual) are are designed to provide insight and direction in the practice of telephone triage.
One-Day Seminars: TELEPHONE TRIAGE - How to Practice Nursing Over the Phone**
This one-day seminar is designed for RNs performing telephone triage in the ambulatory care setting. The primary emphasis of the day will be on the clinical practice of telephone triage. We will define telephone triage, discuss misconceptions about this practice, and debunk elements of conventional wisdom about telephone triage. Standards will be described, as well as clinical pitfalls that inform the basic skill set for the telephone triage nurse. Critical thinking and decision making in uncertain conditions will be discussed. Practical skills including patient assessment over the telephone, interviewing, documentation, and appropriate use of decision support tools will round out the day. Principles of risk management in telephone triage will be incorporated throughout the seminar.
Kathryn Koehne, DNP, RN, AMB-BC, C-TNP
Nationally Recognized Telephone Triage Expert, Speaker, Author

Two-Day Seminars: TELEPHONE TRIAGE AS PROFESSIONAL NURSING PRACTICE - Improve Quality and Reduce Risk**
The two-day seminar incorporates a more thorough discussion of topics offered in the one-day seminar, especially in the areas of decision making and critical thinking, using real-life examples to illustrate. When bad outcomes occur, they are more often related to poor program design than nurse competency. Content is offered to highlight and address the elements of organizational program design that, if not properly executed, can negatively impact or thwart the delivery of high-quality, safe patient care, increasing the risk not only to the patient, but further exposing the nurse and the organization to liability. The emphasis of the day will be on professional nursing practice and on patient safety and risk management in telephone triage.
Contact Info

Carol Rutenberg, MNSc, RN, AMB-BC, C-TNP
President / Owner