Our Experts

Carol Rutenberg, MNSc, RN, AMB-BC, C-TNP, is a nationally recognized expert, speaker and author in the field of Telephone Triage. She has conducted research and has been recognized as the foremost authority on telephone triage and scope of practice. Ms. Rutenberg has hands-on experience, having been a Telephone Triage nurse in both the office and call center settings. President of Telephone Triage Consulting, Inc, Carol speaks and consults nationally and internationally, specializing in professional education, program design and implementation, and risk management in telephone nursing practice. She also provides legal consultative services and has served as an expert witness in litigation pertaining to telephone triage and ambulatory care nursing. Ms. Rutenberg received her BSN from Baylor University and a master’s degree in nursing administration (MNSc) from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Nursing in Little Rock. She has been published in several peer reviewed nursing journals and is the primary author of The Art & Science of Telephone Triage: How to Practice Nursing Over the Phone. Carol is a member of the Emergency Nurses Association, Sigma Theta Tau, and the Arkansas and American Nurses Associations. Carol is also an active member of the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN), having served that organization in numerous capacities including revision of the Telehealth Nursing Practice Administration and Practice Standards and development of Position Statements on the Nurse Licensure Compact and the Role of the RN in Ambulatory Care. Carol is honored to have received the AAACN President’s “Above and Beyond” Award in 2008, and again in 2019 in recognition of the gift of her seminar content to AAACN. Her contributions to AAACN serve as the basis for the Carol Rutenberg Telephone Triage Research/EBP Project Award. She resides in Hot Springs, Arkansas, with her husband.

Kathryn Koehne, DNP, RN, AMB-BC, C-TNP, Kathryn Koehne, DNP, RN-BC, C-TNP, has over 30 years’ experience in nursing, 20 years of which have been in telephone triage nursing practice. In her role as staff development instructor and consultant, Kathryn has provided numerous continuing education offerings related to telephone triage. She has been involved at the national level with the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) and has participated in the writing and development of telehealth resources. For over 10 years, she has served as a columnist for AAACN Viewpoint’sTelehealth Trials and Triumphs. Board certified in ambulatory care nursing and certified in telephone nursing practice, Kathryn has participated in the development of national telehealth standards. She also provides legal consultative services and has served as an expert witness in litigation pertaining to telephone nursing practice. Among her many accomplishments is development and operationalization of a telehealth educational module at Gundersen Health System in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Kathryn is certified in Health Care Design and has completed training in the Lean Six Sigma methodolgy. Kathryn is currently a clinical manager in ambulatory care at Gundersen Health System and serves as adjunct faculty at Viterbo University. In 2015, Kathryn received her Doctorate in Health Innovation and Leadership from the University of Minnesota.